Postdoctoral Scholar – Research Associate
Pratik received the B. Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India in 2007, the M. Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in 2009, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 2017 and 2018, respectively from the University of Southern California in Electrical Engineering. From 2009-2012, he was a scientist at GE Global Research, India, where he developed image processing routines on medical images. He was a recipient of the Institute Silver medal for being the best outgoing postgraduate student of the Department at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
His research interests are in inverse problems, inverse scattering, optimization methods, compressive sensing, image processing, and machine learning and their applications in medical imaging and sensing. Currently, he is developing an inversion approach, where a machine learning technique is integrated into a physics (model) based imaging routine, for reconstructing more accurate microwave images.
LinkedIn: Pratik Shah
Google Scholar: Pratik Shah