- M. Moghaddam, “Antennas for Autonomy,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 60(1), February 2018.
- M. Moghaddam, “Case for SmallSats,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 59(2), April 2017.
- Moghaddam, M., A. Tabatabaeenejad, R. H. Chen, S. S. Saatchi, S. Jaruwatanadilok, M. Burgin, X. Duan, and M. L. Truong-Loi. 2016. AirMOSS: L2/3 Volumetric Soil Moisture Profiles Derived From Radar, 2012-2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. http://dx.doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1418.
- Moghaddam, M., A.R. Silva, D. Clewley, R. Akbar, S.A. Hussaini, J. Whitcomb, R. Devarakonda, R. Shrestha, R.B. Cook, G. Prakash, S.K. Santhana Vannan, and A.G. Boyer. 2016. Soil Moisture Profiles and Temperature Data from SoilSCAPE Sites, USA. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.http://dx.doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1339
- M. Moghaddam, A. Silva, and M. Liu, “Emerging Technologies: Sensor Webs,” in Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing, 2013. http://www.springerreference.com/docs/html/chapterdbid/327270.html
- P. O’Neill, M. Moghaddam, and T. Jackson (Workshop Report), “SMAP Algorithms and cal/val workshop, Oxnard, CA (June 9-11, 2009),” Earth Observer, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 40-, 2009.
- M. Moghaddam and T. Jackson (Workshop Report), “Planning for a Soil Moisture Mission,” EOS, 01 September 2009.
- M. Moghaddam, E. Rodriguez, D. Moller, and Y. Rahmat-Samii, NASA Tech Brief: “Dual low-frequency radar for soil moisture under vegetation and at-depth.” (2004)
- M. Gudim (Aung), M. Moghaddam, et al., NASA Tech Brief: “Single-chip high-density FPGA implementation of the synthetic aperture radar azimuth prefilter for on-board data reduction,” (2004)
- D. Evans and M. Moghaddam, Eds., “LightSAR Science Requirements Document,” JPL Publication D-13945, 1998.
Recent Invited Seminars and Colloquia (non-conference)
- Invited presentation, “Microwave sensing through the subsurface for addressing the water puzzle,” presented at the Ohio State University, ECE, January 2016.
- Invited presentation, “Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Mission: Observations of Root Zone Soil Moisture and their Impact on Improving NEE Estimates in North America,” presented at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, May 2015.
- Invited presentation, “Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS),” presented at Science Open House, CNeT, San Jose, Costa Rica, February 2015.
- Invited presentation, “AirMOSS and its role in responding to a grand challenge of climate research: Soil moisture profiles,” presented at NASA Headquarters, December 2014.
- Invited presentation, “Microwave Systems, Sensing, and Imaging Lab (MiXIL): Overview of Environmental Sensing Activities,” presented at Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 2014.
- Invited presentation, “AirMOSS and its role in responding to the grand challenges of climate research: sensing surface-to-root-zone soil moisture profiles,” presented at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2014.
- Invited presentation, “Airborne microwave observatory of subcanopy and subsurface (AirMOSS),” presented at the Alaska Satellite Facility SAR Working Group Meeting, Fairbanks, AK, May 2014.
- Invited presentation, “Airborne microwave observatory of subcanopy and subsurface (AirMOSS),” presented at the CeNAT Science Open House, Liberia, Costa Rica, March 2014.
- Invited presentation, “SoilSCAPE wireless in-situ sensor network,” presented the NASA ESTO Exhibit, AGU, San Francisco, CA, December 2013.
- Invited presentation, “Airborne microwave observatory of subcanopy and subsurface (AirMOSS),” presented at IEEE GRS Chapter Fall meeting, Pasadena, CA, November 2013.
- Invited presentation, “Airborne microwave observatory of subcanopy and subsurface (AirMOSS),” presented at CeNAT, San Jose, Costa Rica, February 2013.
- Invited presentation, “SoilSCAPE Wireless Sensor Web: Towards A Unified Vision for Environmental Sensing from Ground, Air, and Space,” presented at NASA Brown Bag, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC, January 30, 2013.
- Distinguished Lecture Series invited seminar, “A Unified Vision for Environmental Sensing: Observations and Modeling from Space, Air, and Ground,” University of Michigan Dearborn, Joint event for Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Computer and Information Science Department, September 2012.
- Invited Presentation, “AirMOSS Earth Ventures 1 Mission: Assessment of Root Zone Soil Moisture,” Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Workshop on Water in a Changing Environment, June 2012.
- Invited Seminar, “Microwave Sensing Through the Subsurface: Technologies for Addressing the Grand Challenges of Climate and Environment Research,” University of Washington, Seattle, EE Colloquium, April 2012.
- Invited Seminar, “Microwave Sensing Through the Subsurface: Technologies for Addressing the Grand Challenges of Climate and Global Environment Research,” University of Illinois at Chicago, EE, February 2012.
- Keynote Speaker, Michigan Space Grant Consortium Annual Symposium, “Microwave Sensing Through the Subsurface: Technologies for Addressing the Grand Challenges of Climate Research,” November 2010.
- Invited Seminar, “Microwave Sensing Through the Subsurface: Technologies for Addressing the Grand Challenges of Climate Research,” Stanford University, Electrical Engineering Department, October 2010.
- Invited Seminar, “Sensing the Environment Across Scales: from Medical Imaging to the Global Climate and Ecosystems,” University of Southern California, Electrical Engineering Department, June 2010.
- Invited Seminar, “Subsurface Sensing: Recent Advances in Instrumentation and Analysis Techniques,” City University of New York, CCNY/NOAA-CREST, October 2009.
- Invited Seminar, “Subsurface Sensing: Recent Advances in Instrumentation and Analysis Techniques,” MIT Lincoln Labs, August 2009.
- Latest Advances in Theoretical Developments of High-Resolution Quantitative Imaging of Early-Stage Breast Cancer Using Microwave and Ultrasound,” University of Michigan Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, June 2009.
- Invited Seminar, “Subsurface sensing across scales: from the global environment to medical imaging,” UCLA Physical Electronics Seminar Series, EE Department, May 2009.
- Invited Seminar, “Noninvasive sensing of complex objects using electromagnetic and acoustic inversion techniques,” IEEE Southeastern Michigan Spring Meeting, April 2009.
- Invited presentation, “Overview of Research Activities Related to Subsurface Characterization,” DARPA Workshop on Underground Technologies, September 2008.
- Invited seminar, “Overview of research activities in radar remote sensing,” presented at Communication Technologies Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 2008.
- Invited lecture, “Latest advances in subsurface soil moisture inversion techniques from radar data,” presented in CEE 682, UM, March 2008
- Invited presentation, “Boreal wetland mapping using L-band radar satellite imagery,” presented at CiCAT 2nd annual meeting, Ottawa, April 2008.
- Invited presentation, “Radar remote sensing: a brief introduction to sub-gigahertz imaging,” presented at Chalmers University, May 2007.
- Invited seminar, “Potential for Measuring Deep and Undercanopy Soil Moisture: a Tower-Based Radar Prototype System and Measurement Results.” Presented at the Earth Observation seminar series, Purdue University School of Engineering, November 2006.
- Invited seminar, “High-Depth-Resolution Radar Imaging at Low Frequencies.” Presented at the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), September 2006.
- Invited seminar at the Applied Physics Program (UM) Weekly Seminars, November 2005.
- Invited seminar, “Potential for measuring deep and undercanopy soil moisture: a tower-based radar prototype system and measurement results,” Harvard University, Atmospheric Sciences, October 2005.
- Invited seminar, “Prototype Tower Based Multifrequency and Polarimetric Radar for Subcanopy and Deep Soil Moisture,” Integrated Program Office, Washington, DC, for the NPOESS Soil Moisture Working Group, September 2005.
- Invited seminar, “Inversion of Scattering Properties of a Multilayer Subsurface with Rough Interfaces,” ECE Electromagnetics Seminar Series, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, October 2004.
- Invited seminar, “Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (MOSS): A Low-frequency Radar for Global Deep Soil Moisture and Structure Measurements,” AOSS department (UM), April 2004.